You’ll get an A- on an assignment between 90 and 100 percent of the time. You’re doing well, even with a B. This is an above-average score, between 80% and 89%. There is a 59–69% chance that this grade is good enough to pass.
What does a grade of 88-100 on a letter scale mean?
The formula for letter grades. Use the following conversion formula to find out what letter grade you got on a midterm: If your score is 88-100, you get an A, 78-87, a B, 68-77, a C, 58-67, a D, and 57 or less, an F.A grade of 88 percentile is the same as a letter grade of B.
What grade is an 88 in high school?
Most high schools and colleges use a 4.0 scale to measure how well someone does in school. A score of 4.0 is the same as an A. Using this simple chart; you can convert your letter grades to the 4.0 scale.
Is getting an 88 on a test a bad grade?
This is the same as getting a B+ in the US, a good grade above average. There is still room for improvement, though. If your overall GPA is close to or equal to 88, you will likely graduate with honors.
No one can judge a person based on their grades alone, and grades can’t be the only way to measure how well someone did in school. In their book How to Study and Other Skills for Success in College, Deese say that grades are only a rough measure of how much you have learned in your many classes.Researchers at the University of Michigan looked at first-year students and found that 80% valued academic success more than family support and took pride in their accomplishments.
According to research from King’s College London, teens with low self-esteem are more likely to be sick, break the law, and make less money. It’s a cycle that keeps going because so many poor students are likely to fail. Poverty and social problems go in a circle: having low self-esteem and not doing well in school are direct results of being poor.
With good grades, college and university doors can be opened
Your high school grade point average is the essential thing that will decide whether or not you go to college. Colleges may look at a student’s grade point average (GPA) when determining whether or not to let them in.
College grades are even more critical if you want to go on to graduate or professional school. Law school, medical school, veterinary school, graduate business school, and most arts and sciences graduate schools have a lot of applicants. Most likely, your grades in high school will be the most significant factor in whether or not you get into college.
Your grades will be better if you get more scholarships
Getting into a school is one thing, but getting a scholarship is another. Colleges also look at their students’ grades when deciding whether or not to give them financial aid.
Student loan debt harms the lives of many people well into their 30s and 40s. How a student does in school, on tests, and extracurricular activities can all affect how much money they have for college.
Grades are important to employers
Students shouldn’t think they can slack off in class just because they passed the test. On the other hand, most large companies will want to know a student’s grade point average from their resume. More than 200 employers were polled by the National Association for Colleges and Organizations. They found that 67 percent of companies use GPA as a screening tool.